NEW ティーチャーのご紹介

Teacher Neressaは、いつもキラキラした笑顔で周りを明るくしてくれます。ESLティーチング歴が長いため、どんな生徒さんにも対応でき、トライアル段階から、生徒さんの評判はトップクラスでした。
Teacher Fraklinは明るく元気いっぱいで面接で満場一致の1位採用。IELTSの経験も豊富な先生です。
Teacher Grace.大学では英語教育を専攻しており、ペーパー試験ではほぼ満点に近く第1位。


We’d like to introduce new teachers who have cleared our tough hiring program condition (screening of application materials→TOEIC、TOEFL→interview ).We have hired only three teachers out of every 80candidates.
Teacher Neressa’s smile always makes everyone happy, and she has been teaching for a long time as an ESL teacher. She can handle anyone! She was highly evaluated by many students.
Teacher Franklin is bright and cheerful. He was hired with unanimous positive opinions. He has great score in IELTS.
Teacher Grace is earnest and pleasant. She is truly a comfort to everyone. Her major was English-education, so she scored highest on our school.
They are observing the classes of our veteran teachers, and also they are being observed strictly by them for two weeks.